[Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here]

Welcome to my personal realm of hell

Home Blog Minis Games

Intro & Welcome

Hello all. Welcome to my webbed site. I'm stew-chan and i made this page as a personal project to learn some new stuff (like html and css) and to have a space online that isn't social media.

This is still and probably will always be a work in progress. To the top of the page you'll find the navigation bar. Right now I've got three main pages on here. The first one is my blog, which is mostly posting about things I'm working on, changes and updates to the site, and probably mmo thoughts. The second page is a collection of my miniatures and models I've assembled and painted. I'll be adding more entries there as I finish things irl. The last page is where I post some screenshots and thoughts on games I enjoyed :) This section will probably be the slowest to update since I tend to take a long time to complete games uvu;;

So I guess here's a little bit about me:

Name: Juniper | she/they

Age: Late Twenties

Likes: sci-fi, heavy metal, sad war movies, cats, spooky stories

Fun Fact: Actually a vampire irl
Favorite Movie: The Matrix (1999)

Favorite Book: Salem's Lot - Stephen King

Favorite Album: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge - My Chemical Romance

Favorite Game: Final Fantasy 14

I've also got the cutest cat on earth :)

(I might make a page with just a bunch of pics of him uwu)

Why I Made This

This was a project I started a bit ago but got distracted and left totally unfinished. Lately however, I've been trying to focus on actually finishing things, like this project, the seven half finished anime series sitting in my browser tabs, and my slowly shrinking pile of shame (my unfinished models). I like to make things I can show to people and I figured with this site I can put a lot of my various finished projects together in one place.

I originally learned how to do basic HTML3 back in middle school. However I also haven't touched it since then so I really don't remember anything and everything uses a newer version of HTML anyways. Since I haven't used it in such a long time I'm re-going over some tutorials to relearn the basics. This personal site is mostly going to be used as a way of working on different things from the lessons

Below is my current checklist for working on this site. I'm slowly focusing more on how I want everything to look and work as I go so it's definitely going to keep changing over time.

Current To Do List:
  • Sketch out a basic homepage layout
  • Build the bones for the site
  • Hide the unneeded code behind comments for cleanliness
  • Type up some stuff for the home page
  • Type up some stuff for the blog
  • Type up some stuff for the minis
  • Type up some stuff for the games
  • Experiment with the colors a little for readablity

Links to other sites:

My Tumblr: https://stew-chan.tumblr.com/
my tumblr is mostly fandom stuff and things i find funny or cute. don't expect anything profound there.

My Github: soon
i want to make a github once I finish with my python lessons to have a place to put up my projects there. It could be a little while but when it's ready it'll go here.