[Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here]

Welcome to my personal realm of hell

Home Blog Minis Games

This page will probably be a blog section. I'm not totally sure what I'll talk about. it'll probably be about life things, if i travel anywhere, and a lot of pictures of my cat. ill probably also make change notes in here for whenever I update this webbed site. It'll probably look a lot like the games review page if im being honest. I'm mentally imagining a calendar style table of contents but i dont know if drop down tables are doable in basic html/css

table of contents

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon entry 1 entry 1

ok gonna try some wacky inline frame stuff here. if it works it should load below this vvvvvv note to future june: remember to remove the ugly borders using css. comment is below with the code for that. entry 2 and 3 should 404 right now because they dont exist. i set them up ahead of time to test if the links will cycle properly